The bad touch


Thank God it is freaking hot-hot outside so I consequently stay inside,  locked in my room doing all this cool shiet I have to do. Otherwise if there would be a bit cooler outside I'd probably spend the whole day somewhere outside. It's crazy how hot it is. Seriously, it's hard to be outside and breath normally without this creepy feeling you're going to loose yourself. I wish we'd have a big pool in the backyard. Oh hey, wait...we live in the city...we don't have a freaking backyard! Or a pool. But, we have a fountain in front of our apartment which is pretty similar haha.

Right now I'm thinking about all those things I have to do today. Sometimes I have a feeling that the day is just too short sometimes for all the things you want to do. I know, that's me freaking out again, because I'm always doing everything the last minute. But until I make it this way, who the hell cares? Oh, guys I have to tell you this!! This morning I got a message from a lovely lady who's organizing of Miss Slovenia and Miss Earth Slovenia and she invited me to the competition since she thinks I could be good at that. That came so from nowhere! I seriously never thought about those beauty competitions before. I always thought that's lame, pretty much for people who have no self esteem, so they can prove something to themselves. I've been working as a photomodel every now and then since I can even remember, but I never tried something like that before. And as I said I was always like "naaah, that's not me", but now I'm going through "hmm...wait.." moment, so you'd help me with your opinion so much! What do you think, guys? All this talk and thinking made me hungry. I should eat something and then I'm thinking about going to the park with my dog Tashi, sit somewhere in the shadow under the tree and work there. But maaan it too damn hot!

Btw, this awesome spoon ring you see me wearing on this outfit post is B.Polanec design. We met on Voom's fashion show few weeks ago, grabbed a beer and had a cigarette together while we had seriously deep conversations. Such cool guys. I can't believe how much positive energy without one bad thought about someone else a person can have. He's that kind of guy you're just near and you get this energy from somewhere and after conversation with him you feel so positive, like you could just stand up and be like "Thanks for everything, but you fill me with your energy so much that I have to get out of here and make my dreams come freaking true." So Boštjan thanks so much for sending me this ring, cool chatting, beer and mostly your energy! I hope I see you soon, darling.

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