
Nykarleby, Finland


It's happening! I moved to this idyllic little town in Western Finland called Nykarleby. I started my 5 months life here few days ago thanks to the EVS program, who made all this possible. Meaning giving me a chance to pack my things and move somewhere else basically over the night.

 I remember sitting at the airport at Trieste, waiting for my first flight and thinking for the first time after I decided to take this oportunity if this is the right decision. That I still have a chance to change my mind. That I might miss something important back home. I had a really long minute which seemed like an hour when a lot of bad and negative thoughts went through my head. But now I know that I would only miss this great place if I didn't come here. But more about the town and my first impressions here soon! Stay tuned.

I forgot my camera so I had to take the pictures with my really bad phone camera. I'm sorry.

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