Stay the hell away, while I stand here by myself


As I said in my previous post - I'm back in town, but not for too long.
I've been at home three days and I'm leaving again tomorrow for Sarajevo to work there. To be honest, I'm not really sure what to expect, but I'm still pretty excited about the trip. What I'm not excited about that much is packing. I'm a typical girl when it comes to packing. Even If I'm leaving somewhere for a week I'll pack like I'm leaving for a month! 

For me the last couple of weeks were: fun, emotional, crazy, sleepless, inspiring, etc. I loved how we were basically living for a week at my place with my friends. It was so nice having them 24/7 by my side. Guys were pretty much cooking lunch everyday so I didn't need to cook not even once! Thanks guys, it was delicious every single time. At night guys were playing guitar and we were enjoying and drinking and having fun. As the Trnfest festival is going on we went there every night and came back for after party. We also did some pretty silly things but I'm not going to talk about these - what happened there, stays there haha. I know I'm a "party girl" and I've been partying a lot this last year, but after that week I needed a getaway trip...and there's no better place for that than the seaside! Am I right? It felt so nice having some time for myself, to think about the things, figure it out what I really want, what makes me happy, what makes me sad, read books, get cool and inspiring ideas for my blog and mostly...not drinking, not smoking, not eating fast food and all that shit. So now I'm feeling like a newborn person, no kidding. 

In those few days while I'm back at home I managed to catch up with the guys every night. And we were just sitting somewhere and talking and kidding out...not drinking or anything like that. Last night was so lovely. We were sitting on one of the bridges in town and watching shooting stars. Lately we went to my friends crib, climbed on the roof, laid on it and watched the shooting stars. It was cold as fuck late at night but it was so worth it! What can I say...I'm a really happy girl to have so cool, honest, fun and open minded friends in my life.

I also noticed in this time that life can be so fucking confusing. It puts us through many obstacles and tasks, physical and emotional. Nothing is easy. But after all...if life was always easy, we would be bored. Wouldn't we? 

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